Yoga Inverness

While aging is a natural part of life, no one likes feeling older than their age. The good news is that you don’t have to! There are so many things you can do to recapture the youthful spirit of your younger years. The key to feeling and looking young at any age is as simple as staying stress-free, getting enough sleep, and keeping your body moving. Keep reading to learn more about what you can do to feel younger every single day!

Find Ways to Stress Less

Not only does stress make you feel older, but studies show that chronic stress accelerates aging. Finding ways to keep yourself relaxed throughout the day will protect your brain and body from the constant strain of stress. Do yoga, develop a regular meditation practice, spend some time in nature, and shut off your phone every once in a while.

Cleaning up your home can also make a huge difference in your daily stress levels. Redfin suggests bringing some positive energy into your home by tidying up, decluttering, and opening all your windows to bring in some fresh air.

Focus on You

Too often, we sacrifice our wellbeing for others. But taking care of yourself should be your number one priority! Spending all day every day tending to the needs of the ones around you will leave you feeling drained and depleted. Only when your cup is full can you give your time and energy to others!

Learn how to say “no” when you just don’t have the bandwidth to take on more responsibilities at work or attend a social event. Try to carve out just a few minutes of personal time for yourself every day, even if it means leaving the laundry unfinished or canceling a coffee date with a coworker.

Keep Your Body Strong

Aches and pains are a common side effect of growing older, but they don’t have to drag you down! Keeping your body strong and limber will help you avoid everything from back pain to stiff joints. The best part? It’s never too late to start! Work on strengthening and stretching your body every day with the help of exercises that fit your fitness level.

Yoga is an excellent stretching and strengthening exercise for people of all abilities and fitness levels. Practicing yoga regularly will improve your core strength and boost the flexibility of your muscles. Beyond reducing pain and stiffness, keeping your body strong will also help you avoid bone, joint, and muscle injuries as you get older.

If you’re looking to try yoga for the first time, the Freedom Within Life studio can help you find a beginner’s class to meet your needs.

Prioritize Sleep

In our fast-paced lives, sleep often falls to the very bottom of our priority list. We’d rather stay up late finishing work, cleaning up the house, or enjoying a few hours of “me time” after the kids have gone to bed. But sacrificing your sleep will do a lot more harm than good.

According to Travel Agent Central, sleep deprivation affects over half of all adults worldwide. Getting too little sleep contributes to a plethora of physical and cognitive issues including depression, obesity, and diabetes. Make sleep a priority and you’ll enjoy more happiness and energy in your waking life!

Quit Your Vices

The promise of eternal youth would serve as a pretty good incentive to banish bad habits like drinking, smoking, and eating junk food. While this may sound like an impossible dream, research suggests that living a healthy lifestyle actually does slow down the biological aging process. If that’s not enough, poor lifestyle habits can add years to your face. Feeling and looking young through your senior years may be as simple as quitting those bad habits.

Feeling young on the inside is all about the small, healthy actions we take every day. Be good to your body and it will be good to you! Practicing yoga is a great way to keep your stress levels under control, strengthen your muscles, and protect your joints. What better way to stay youthful than to move your body through a refreshing yoga routine every day? Check the timetable and book a class today.


Author: Dana Brown of Health Conditions |

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