Over the past year and a half or so, spending more time at home has made it easy to develop unhealthy habits like staying up late, indulging in sugary snacks, and sitting in front of the TV for too long.

As pandemic restrictions continue to lift and we all venture back into the world, many of us are looking for ways to get our health back on track.

Thankfully, there are numerous ways to improve your health naturally! Freedom Within Life Inverness Yoga Studio offers some simple ways to reclaim your health in the post-pandemic era.

Build a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Sleep is the cure to many of life’s ailments. Getting enough sleep every night will help your brain feel sharp and your body feel young. But it might not be enough to get eight hours of sleep every night. What matters more than the length of time you spend in bed is the amount of high-quality, restorative sleep you get. Even ten hours of poor-quality sleep will leave you feeling sluggish during the day. If you’re spending a lot of time lying awake in bed, poor sleep habits could be the culprit. Try to develop a consistent sleep schedule to train your brain to sleep during certain hours.

Eat Well and Exercise

Everyone knows that nutrition and exercise are important for good health. So why is it so hard to maintain a fitness routine and steer clear of sugary snacks? Behavioral psychology may be able to provide some insight. As humans, we are heavily influenced by instant gratification. The things that provide pleasure right now are much more valuable to us than long-term rewards. The key to maintaining healthy habits often lies in kicking the instant gratification habit and mastering self-control, so try to keep this in mind the next time you want to skip a workout.

Keep Your Teeth and Gums Happy

It’s easy to neglect your oral health when you don’t have to meet with people face-to-face. But caring for your teeth and gums is vital to your whole-body well-being! As Healthline explains, an overgrowth in oral bacteria can lead to painful problems like tooth decay and gum disease, which can trigger an increase in inflammation throughout the body. Research suggests that this can contribute to heart disease. In severe cases, bacteria from your mouth can even spread to your bloodstream and cause life-threatening infections!

Be Mindful

Mindfulness can help you overcome temptations and improve your self-discipline. Not only that, but many people use mindfulness as an effective way to cope with negative feelings. Whether you’re dealing with sadness, stress, anxiety, or anger over the pandemic, developing a mindfulness practice could be beneficial. In essence, mindfulness is all about being aware of your thoughts and emotions so you can be less reactive to them. Verywell Mind suggests introducing yourself to the practice by easing into mindfulness meditation sessions of only a few minutes in length. Having a pair of noise cancelling headphones on hand can be a big help. They’ll filter out excess noise for you when you’re meditating at home and will allow you to meditate on the go — whether at your local park or in line at the market.

Address Your Home

Your living environment plays a large role in how you feel. If your home is disorganized and cluttered, you likely feel additional stress and frustration. This is especially true if you live in a smaller space. If the walls seem to be closing in on you, take a hard look at your environment. Do you have too much stuff? Could you stand to implement a better organization system? Has it been a minute since you deep cleaned? Simply decluttering, reorganizing and deep cleaning one’s home can have a significantly therapeutic effect on your overall wellness. With a more open, clean and organized space, you’ll notice better energy vibrations, you can truly enjoy time at home, and your home can become the retreat it’s meant to be.

If you’ve picked up some unhealthy habits during the pandemic, now is the time to make some changes! Focus on holistic strategies that encourage whole-body wellness. Clean eating, exercise, sleep, and cleaning up your home will go a long way towards helping you feel your best.

Improve your health and wellbeing through yoga. Try a class at Freedom Within Life Inverness Yoga Studio today!